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Detoxification And Body Cleansing
» Why do People go on a Detox Diet?
Monday, June 21, 2010
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Detoxification And Body Cleansing
A growing body of research suggests that many of the chemicals we ingest daily through food, water, and air can become deposited in fat cells in our bodies. A diet that lacks certain nutrients may also impair our natural ability to detoxify chemicals, which further leads to their build-up in the body.
The cumulative load, called the “body burden”, is thought to lead to illness and has been linked to hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency, and an inefficient metabolism. Signs are thought to include indigestion, bad breath, fatigue, poor skin, and muscle pain.
Some private labs, such as Great Smokies Diagnostic Labs, offer tests that assess urine, stools, blood, and liver function. These tests are not standard medical tests and many medical doctors do not recognize them or consider them valid.
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